in other words how do you know how to identify a fake versace bag?|||send it to me and i will tell you|||yo, rich people buy fake bags too you know? coz they know people know they're rich and won't suspect it when they carry a fake.
bring the bag back to the shop to have it verified if you want to know. Otherwise, I'd say just use and enjoy it if you like it.|||I once worked at a place in New York City and a guy who was there came running in one day to show off the Rolex he had just bought on Fifth Avenue from some sidewalk vendor for $5.00.
The Chinese are flooding the world with cheap imitations that are nothing but garbage, so chances are it is fake, which if tossed into a landfill would degrade the overall value of the trash already there.
Duh.|||check the inside lining of the bag and compare it to a real one at a store. Some fakes are REALLY good, but they always skimp on the lining material.|||Because you know that the person who gave it to you is too cheap to buy you a real one.|||go to the versace store and compare your bag to real one's. that's how i know my real designer stuff from fake.|||If you can't tell, who cares... They're too much anyway. And they're probably ugly to top it off.
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